
The OMNir™ laser sensing module is a military helmet-mounted aid designed to alert the wearer when they are interrogated by a targeting laser. This system alerts the wearer of a laser event consistent with precision laser rangefinder locating in advance of a GPS-guided weapon or laser designation for a laser-guided weapon.

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OMNir™ Detects:

  • Laser Rangefinders (LRFs) used for precision laser target locating: single pulse LRFs, low frequency gimbal-mounted LRFs, high frequency handheld LRFs

  • Laser Target Designators (LTDs) used for guiding laser guided weapons

  • Laser Target Markers (LTMs) used for handoff to laser designator systems

  • Other pulsed infrared lasers prevalent on the battlefield

OMNir™ Protects the Wearer Against:

  • Friendly fire fratricide incidents

  • Handheld and vehicle mounted targeting system used to acquire the wearers coordinates or guide munitions

  • Drone LIDAR used to map positions for artillery

  • Sniper and spotting scopes used for accurate engagements

  • Mortar targeting lasers use for precision ordinance placement

OMNir™ Rejects False Alarms Caused By:

  • Handheld rangefinders used for golfing or hunting

  • Handheld and rifle mounted NVG (Night Vision Googles) illuminators and pointers

  • Camera and fire alarm strobe lights

  • Handheld short-range military rangefinders not used for precision laser target locating

OMNir™ is subject to US export regulations, will require a license prior to export, and is controlled under ITAR: USML Category XII(a)(3).

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Attollo Engineering