
Commercial / Defense

Handheld, Helmet Mounted, and Weapon Mounted

Infrared imaging and lasers have been used by the U.S. military to identify friendly forces and the enemy for decades. Law Enforcement, Homeland Defense, Industrial and Firefighting professionals are finding uses for this technology that save lives and prevent costly mistakes.

Implementing handheld, helmet-mounted and weapon-mounted sights in the security industry allow for situational awareness in all weather conditions and in times where there is no benefit of light. By sensing heat signatures infrared imaging can identify the presence of humans and lasers can be detected to prevent fratricide.

Non-destructive and contact-free material testing in both automated in-line and off-line solutions allow for quick identification of loose connections, poor contacts, overheated circuits and chemical leaks. Manufacturing industries can also benefit from keeping a close eye on tank level and process line inspections.

Commercial / Defense


Airborne reconnaissance is critical for gathering intelligence and monitoring ground movements such as crop growth, surveying areas for danger, vehicle movement, and troop movement. Airborne surveillance is conducted by both manned and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) and for military and commercial purposes.

When technology is required that can provide intelligence day and night, in smoke and all-weather conditions, infrared cameras integrated into gimbals are used to provide the greatest situational awareness. Although visible cameras can now provide wide-area surveillance, their images can be easily disturbed by darkness, smoke, fog, rain, and snow. When combining visible video surveillance and a passive thermal infrared camera, the user is given a constant overview of the battlefield that is unaffected by weather and darkness.


Ground-Based Surveillance – Border Patrol

Attollo Engineering offers high definition and VGA format MWIR sensors with responsivity from 3.0µm-5.0 µm using its Strained Layer Superlattice detector material using small pixels (5 µm and 8 µm) enabling a size, weight, and power that is lowest in the industry while still achieving competitive price points.  The smaller pixels enable shorter focal-length to achieve the mission adding to the SWaP savings from the camera core. Utilizing smaller pixels increases SWaP savings and enables a shorter focal length needed to successfully complete the mission. Therefore providing more pixels on target and quality imagery in a smaller form factor.

Commercial / Defense


Maritime vessels use radar and navigation lights to maneuver at night. Even with these lights, it’s challenging to navigate during fog or rain, which could end in a deadly collision. Infrared imaging provides enhanced situational awareness during the night and in all weather conditions.

In addition to providing collision awareness on the water, infrared imaging also allows a safer and more comprehensive view of the area when securing borders, search and rescue operations, assessing threats and everyday navigation 24/7 in fog, rain, snow or the darkest of night.  Infrared imaging is used every day by first responders, commercial mariners, military and law enforcement every day.

Commercial / Defense


Attollo develops infrared (IR) sensors for both terrestrial and space applications.  For the space domain, Attollo has large format sensors and laser sensing devices for surveillance and situational awareness. Attollo has a burgeoning integrated dewar cooler assembly segment for use in space and terrestrial applications. In 2021, Attollo will put its first IR sensor into low earth orbit onboard an environmental assessment multispectral payload.  Potential applications for our sensors is for both defensive and offensive space including space to space, space to terrestrial, and space to ground intentions.



Utilizing infrared imaging in medical procedures provides healthcare providers another diagnostic tool.  Infrared cameras can assist in the early detection of infected tissue and other types of inflammation. By detecting small differences in the temperature of the body, this technology can provide a more thorough analysis. Infrared imaging can also indicate the presence of potential diseases, arthritis and poor circulation.



Agriculture uses non-invasive and non-destructive infrared technology in monitoring nursery and greenhouse yields, irrigation scheduling, plants disease detection, estimating fruit yield, evaluating maturity of fruits and bruise detection in fruits and vegetables. By monitoring the availability of water throughout a crop’s growth cycle infrared technology can provide guidance ultimately affecting the yield, quality, and profitability of agricultural production.

Commercial / Defense


Non-destructive and contact-free material testing in both automated in-line and off-line solutions allow for quick identification of loose connections, poor contacts, overheated circuits and chemical leaks. Manufacturing industries can also benefit from keeping a close eye on tank level and process line inspections.

Custom Applications

Attollo headquarters is a 34,000 ft2 state of the art facility with over 5,000 square feet of clean room. Due to our large facility and infrared imaging expertise, our custom design capabilities for infrared products and those requiring cryogenic packaging are unequaled.

This unique capability allows Attollo the freedom to customize cameras for customer-specific requirements as well as provide packaging services for those needing prototypes, proof of concept or volume manufacturing services. Attollo has the flexibility and engineering expertise to provide support for any of your custom design needs.

Attollo Engineering