Industry’s Smallest MWIR Camera Core Just Released
Attollo Engineering is pleased to announce the newest addition to its line of Midwave Infrared (MWIR) camera cores, the Griffin™ VGA5-R. The Griffin™ line joins the company’s Phoenix™ line of Short-Wave Infrared (SWIR) cameras and other laser warning products.
The Griffin™ VGA5-R is a VGA format (640×512), cryocooled camera core featuring the industry’s smallest MWIR VGA sensor made to enable the smallest of infrared imaging systems. The extremely small pixel pitch of 5 µm enables more pixels on target with a short focal length optic, reducing overall sensor size while still providing crisp, clear imaging.
Also, the Griffin™ VGA5-R sensor is capable of supporting broadband imaging along with day and night laser see-spot capabilities. The Griffin™ VGA5-R MWIR core is built for low-SWaP applications and offers a significant opportunity for system-level cost savings compared to competing MWIR cameras. The Griffin™ HD5 (1280×1024 5µm pixel) and Griffin™ HD8 (1280×720 8µm pixel) MWIR products are expected to be released in the first half of 2023.
The benefits of the Griffin™ VGA5-R is its small volume size and weight size. The complete core weighs less than 221 grams and can fit in the palm of a human hand.
Top 10 Applications for the Griffin™ VGA5-R
In all cases where Size, Weight, and Power are critical design parameters, Griffin is the ideal “SWaP”-constrained thermal imager.
- Solider-borne and handheld systems
- Security and surveillance
- Small gimbals
- Laser see-spot
- Advanced agriculture
- Hyperspectral imaging
- Microscopy
- Medical-tissue analysis
- Structural non-destructive fatigue assessment