
Attollo Engineering develops innovative infrared systems for imaging and laser detection.  We develop subassemblies and finished products with cutting-edge performance for our industry-leading partners.  Utilizing extensive expertise in the electro-optical market, knowledge of systems design, packaging and delivering superior solutions, we provide quality products for system integrators, original equipment manufacturers, and custom applications.

Attollo’s headquarters is a 34,000 square foot facility in Camarillo, California.  This facility has over 5,000 square feet of cleanroom space for semiconductor fabrication, sensor packaging, integrated dewar and cooler assembly, cryocooler development, and IR camera assembly and test. Attollo is actively developing solutions and manufacturing products in the following technology areas: ​

  • Uncooled InGaAs SWIR sensors
  • MWIR FPAs and Cameras
  • LWIR FPAs and Cameras
  • Laser Seeker / Laser Warning / Laser See-Spot Solutions
  • Small Precision Targeting Systems
  • LiDAR and 3D Imaging Components and Systems

Attollo was founded in 2012, and since that time, has developed and released several unique optoelectronic products with many more on the way. Partnering with government agencies and industry leaders allows Attollo to deliver products with substantially better performance over the current market. With over 200 years of combined experience from companies focusing on; the design, development and manufacturing of sensors, infrared cameras, laser designators and rangefinders Attollo has the expertise from designing and processing semiconductors to delivering a turnkey packaged solution with associated electronics.

Attollo Engineering